I do really feel for those of you with a birthday among the festive period! Especially my Toddy being a new years day baby. I mean I guess it's great that most of your friends are up for having a drink the night before to celebrate, but let's face it -they're celebrating NYE!

Traditionally, the Willis' have a annual get together on New Years day to celebrate Todd's birthday and it's also a nice way to get together if we haven't managed to see everyone yet over Christmas.

I told him all about it, which upset me so much as I had planned on surprising him with a Greek themed party this year, I had all the decs saved to my eBay basket and was pinning Greek party food galore on Pinterest. Luckily Todd was able to help and alas, we are going to Mykonos in June! Thomas cook have great deals at the mo, check them out!

I've totally lost my train of thought here...

Party! We had 16 of our nearest and dearest over to celebrate our Todd turning 28, we had buffet food probably to feed 160, a lot of it homemade (give me a shout if you asked me for a recipe on Instagram I'll do a blog post on them!) and a lot trusty Iceland frozen food.

We ate, drank, sang, played games, took photos, laughed and enjoyed each others company... And really, isn't that all that matters?
Love, Rey x